Who can benefit from the covid-19 vaccination?

The covid vaccination campaign started on 27 December 2020 and is still following the guidelines given by the High Authority for Health. The latter had initially planned a vaccination strategy based on the risks of severe forms and death. However, these guidelines have now changed, for access to both the first and the booster doses.

Who can be vaccinated against Covid 19?

Initially, health professionals were given priority for coronavirus vaccination. But from 15 June 2021, all people aged 12 and over have become eligible for Covid-19 vaccination. Adolescents aged 12 to 17 can also be vaccinated voluntarily against Covid-19 with the consent of a parent. However, there are exceptional cases. Pregnant women can be vaccinated during the first trimester of pregnancy without contraindication. People with severe or chronic diseases are given priority for vaccination because of the high risk of developing a severe covid-19 form. People suffering from type 1 or type 2 diabetes are also at risk of contracting Covid-19 and thus can be vaccinated. As for people who have already been infected, according to the latest research, they retain an immune memory. This is why the High Authority for Health recommends injecting only one dose within 2 months of infection. For more information on the subject, please visit inzee.care.

Who can benefit from the coronavirus vaccine’s booster dose?

The covid-19 vaccination booster campaign started on 1 September 2021. The list of people affected includes: - Residents of nursing homes and long-term care units, - People over 65 years of age, - People at high risk of severe disease, - People with severe form symptoms according to the High Authority for Health criteria, - People with severe immunodeficiency - People who have already received the Janssen vaccine. All these categories have priority access to the booster dose. The latter must be administered within 6 months of the last injection. However, for people who have already received the first injection of Janssen, a minimum delay of 4 weeks is required before the booster dose can be given. It should be noted that this booster campaign is being implemented to optimise the immune system of the most vulnerable people.

Where can you get vaccinated against the coronavirus?

To be vaccinated, you need to make an appointment at a vaccination centre or with your doctor. Pharmacies and nurses' offices also have everything you need for the vaccination. Should particular problems arise, vulnerable people can make an appointment for vaccination at home. It should be noted that for adolescents, the presence of a parent or guardian is recommended, but not mandatory, for the injection. However, the person concerned must present a parental authorisation and the health record of one of the parents. Employees can be vaccinated through the occupational health service. It must be consented to and is not compulsory. Coronavirus vaccination appointments can be made online at Santé.fr or directly via the TousAntiCovid application. A toll-free number is also available to users every day from 6am to 10pm: 0800 009 110. Operators and websites generally suggest vaccination centres that are nearest to the applicant's place of residence. A complete list of centres open in each district is available to make it easier to choose and travel.

What documents should be kept after the covid vaccination?

To prove the fact that you have been injected with the covid vaccine, you must receive two documents: a certified vaccination certificate and a summary of the vaccination. The first document is given to everyone who has received a Covid-19 vaccine in paper form. The vaccination summary contains all the medical information about the injections: the batch number, the name of the vaccine, the place of injection, etc.  These are personal documents that, once signed by the health professionals, act as a vaccination or medical certificate. They should be kept carefully. If necessary, this certificate can be downloaded from the attestation-vaccin.ameli.fr website along with proof of the injection. Alternatively, a health professional (doctor, pharmacist, nurse or midwife) can also provide the certificate on presentation of proof of the effectiveness of the vaccination. With the requirement of a health pass, these documents are even more important to justify vaccination against covid. Indeed, they can be used to justify the effectiveness of the injection to a third party, especially for vulnerable people who wish to go to a public place. These documents must therefore be kept with the utmost care. Teenagers are also entitled to them. It is the parents' responsibility to ensure that they are well preserved.

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