What are the aggravating factors of diabetes ?

There are several factors that make diabetes worse, whether it is type 1 or type 2. This chronic disease is a real threat to the entire population of the world. Focus on the aggravating factors that must be taken care of at all costs.

Genetic inheritance and a sedentary lifestyle

Some people get diabetes because of a genetic predisposition that is inherited and continues for several generations in a row. According to medical experts, there is a 40% chance that a diabetic parent will pass the disease on to their offspring. If both parents are affected, the risk rises to 70%. Type 2 diabetes is most likely to be passed on through genetic inheritance. In addition, this genetic risk can be increased if a person follows a sedentary lifestyle without exercise. The person gains weight and excess fat on the abdomen. In adulthood, obesity for several years is in 80% of cases a sign of inevitable diabetes. The solution is therefore to practise a regular sport activity (a few minutes are enough if you have a full schedule) and to have a healthy lifestyle : go to bed early and get up early, stop watching any screen in the evening. If you want a solution with immediate effectiveness, Pep2dia help lower blood sugar levels in the body.

Smoking and junk food

Frequent consumption of fast food and fatty foods rich in sugar and bad cholesterol spikes the blood sugar levels. Similarly, smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol greatly increases the risk of diabetes. If you have stress attacks, avoid junk food and smoking. Vary your diet. Replace soda with water, fast food with vegetables, meat, fish and home cooked meals. Smoking and junk food increase glucose intolerance, and disrupt the natural flow of insulin.

High blood pressure

In 50% of cases, high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes are linked. High blood pressure results in high blood sugar levels, which can lead to serious complications if not treated in time. Type 2 diabetes can lead to stroke or kidney failure. In order to detect these complications early on, it is essential to check your blood sugar levels at least every two months, especially if you are over 45 years old.

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