How to diagnose diabetes in children ?

Diabetes is a disease that is affecting more and more people of all ages. Children can be diagnosed from birth, although the symptoms are variable and often confused with those of other diseases. But to effectively diagnose diabetes in children, it is important to know what the symptoms are and, more importantly, what the disease actually is. It is also important to note that self-medication is strongly discouraged and that it is essential to consult a doctor specialising in the treatment of childhood diabetes.

What is diabetes ?

Affecting around 250 million people worldwide, diabetes is a disease that causes an abnormal increase in blood sugar levels. The sugar level is regulated by the pancreas, and some of the cells in this organ are destroyed and are no longer able to produce insulin, which leads to a state of hyperglycaemia (too much sugar in the blood). There are two forms : type 1 (insulin-dependent) and type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes. On the website, you will find comprehensive information to understand the mechanism of diabetes in three patterns.

How is diabetes diagnosed in children ?

In this case, diabetes appears in a variety of ways depending on the child with the disease. However, the most common signs are : a very strong and unusual sensation of thirst, frequent urination and in some more extreme cases, it can manifest itself through ketoacidosis (vomiting, malaise, dehydration...). As diabetes can lead to a comatose state that can even lead to death, it is essential to consult a doctor urgently so that the child can receive adequate care.

What treatments are available for childhood diabetes ?

Diabetes in children must first of all be treated through a healthy lifestyle, particularly with regard to food. The child's family will then be introduced to the hygienic and dietary rules for balancing the diabetes as well as to the multiple insulin injections by pen, which the child will have to receive daily. The type of insulin to be administered is determined by the doctor. The same applies to the dosage. Blood sugar levels must also be measured several times a day using a device called a dextro. Parents will, of course, be trained in the application of all these measures and should be able to detect the signs that may indicate a complication.

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